The franchise specialists

The only group in Europe specializing in Franchises

Creators of the Franchise Formula method and the Franchise Investors community

Join our successful franchises family

Would you like to finally become a successful entrepreneur? Join the only group in Europe specialized in the franchise business model.

Over 780 entrepreneurs in Europe and abroad have reached out to us to receive full support in the development and expansion of their brand, in investments, and in becoming part of a successful franchises network.

Consultancy hours
Generated revenue
Years of experience
Mr. Mike Thumbs up

Franchising Formula: the secret of your national and international growth

An international group based in Cyprus and founded by Mr. Mike, Europe's #1 Franchise Advisor.

The company was born with the mission to help entrepreneurs expand their brand of the national and international level through the franchise business model.

  • Creators of the Franchise Formula method
  • Creators of the Franchise Investors community
  • Over 105 professional case studies and business partners
  • Team trained and certified in eco-management and franchising coaching
  • The first company that has introduced in the Italian market the method for building successful franchise networks, starting even from a single local business
Find out more about us

Main franchises success stories 

Discover the stories, challenges, and interesting facts about these entrepreneurs who have already tested the Franchise model with Mr. Mike Franchising Group.
Discover our case studies

What our clients say about us

Discover what our clients think about our personalized support. Find out their success stories and get inspired.
  • I found a company and above all a person, Mr. Mike, who always maintains a very precise focus, always very stimulating, attentive, even "too" attentive. It seems he has direct interests because of the commitment he puts into everything he does, primarily for himself but also with his team.
    It's a fantastic team, and this comes from someone who unfortunately has seen it all in the past. I've been doing this for a long time (16 years), but talking to a person of this caliber makes you feel supported... Mr. Mike is fantastic.
    Renato Costantini
  • In the past year, I have managed to significantly grow the family business, exceeding €250,000 in profit by the end of the year.
    Giuseppe Campo
  • High-level experts. They put as their main objective my personal growth and growth of my business.
    Giovanni Sgarbi
  • Since I met Mike, besides finding a very valuable source of inspiration and sharing, I have explored in a detailed way different sectors and understood the critical factors to take in consideration.
    Lorenzo Battistini
  • I have tripled my monthly income and discovered several absolutely effective sales strategies.
    Marco Bertolazzi
  • Mr. Mike is, for me, the true model of the next-generation entrepreneur. He has a well-rooted vision and mission, which translates into high-quality products and services.
    Paolo Svegli
Our main partners
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Do you want to expand your brand?
Create your successful Franchise
Do you want to invest with a safe and profitable model?
Invest in successful Franchise
Do you want to become a part of a recognized brand?
Affiliate with a successful Franchise